Sunday, December 2, 2007
Blog # 10
Finally, i reached my goal to finish blogging. Being that this is my last blog, i can say that i have learned a lot overall. Throughout this blog i learned where most of the vegetables that i eat come from. It impressed me because i did not know that most of the tomatoes, and other vegetables come from different parts of the country and the world. Without having international business with other coutries we might not have a lot of the things we have today. Such as the food we nurture out of, or the clothes we wear, even the toys the young'n play with. We need to trade things around the world because we learn a lot from eachother and we benefit the business of the United States of America. My favorite meal was a good example of this because you can never trust the supplier the environment and industry gets it from. This meal is safe , i dont want anyone to think that the meal has any dangers on them. But we always have to be aware of it all. As i said before this meal is a very healthy meal for me and for our body also. The food is originally from the south american culture. My parents come from Ecuador, and i know that this plate is very famous in my country. Out of this whole experience, i learned a lot. And i know the rest of you guys learned a lot of out what you decided to blog about.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Blog # 9
I can be on both sides and defend my meal, from being environmentally safe, at the same time i can say that you have to be careful on where you purchase your shrimp at. Since my meal is a natural veggie meal with extract sensational taste you can only be worried about the shrimp or the ingredients added such as tomatoes, and all the extra products. One of the reasons why i worry about the shrimp is because it gets shipped from different parts of the world. There as it is shipping it could catch on to many illnesses from all around. And it can get to the United States of America and infect everyone because of where it gets shipped from. It can bring a change into the world because a new era would begin and diseases might be passed on to others and others. It would be a bad impact and effect to the world and it would mean it would not look good for international business. Maybe most of the business the U.S.A. makes from all around the world would be losing money because of this. And it would turn out to be something no good for the world's economy. But for now there have not been no signs of anything going on with the fish, it seems that most of the toys being transported from different countries coming into the U.S.A. have become hazardous to the society and mostly children. It causes the world to lose billions of money and economically the industry would go down. If the fish gets bad, it would be a lot of money gone. Fish seems to be really expensive every where you go. Any type of fish is always expensive and can go to high rates bringing in the money. But as far as i know i feel that my meal is a healthy meal with natural ingredients. You cant get msg off of shrimp or vegetables. There are preservatives off canned food or bottled seasoning and other things that can get you sick. My meal is very healthy and i feel everyone should try my meal. You guys will be really pleased.
Blog # 8
As i look over the comments that i have on my favorite meal, i can see that not a lot of people have tried ceviche. I feel that people should be able to try out new things. The need to explore what is there to give in this world. Most of our vegetables come from different parts of the world. And i bet that we didnt know that. We should always keep informed about where our food comes from and what we decide to eat. Most of the comments i have on my blogs are that i can cook and throw it down on the kitchen. But i really dont, to be real with you. My meal is made out of fish (shrimps). This could be a environmental issue for those who dont trust much of what is exported and imported from different countries. Most of our fish comes from china and different parts of the world. And there have been some issues in the past that have brought this issue to concern. But if you buy from a good consumer that guarantee and have the fish tested for any types of infected diseases that come from the country it comes from. Im probably scaring most of you guys, but you guys should know where to trust a nearby fish market or supermarket.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Museum Trip

Blog # 5 -7
Most of the ingredients that i use to make my Ceviche come from the U.S.A. They are packaged all over the states. Some of the distributors that usually deliver the produce are by choice depending on who ever is in charge to place orders. The distributors that deliver all of the produce that i get and use for all my meals are New York Produce and Food Nation. These two companies distribute produce from all around the United States. They go around making deals on the most convenient prices for them and for the buyer or else they wont make a sale. The produce, always, but most of the time get delivered by huge delivery trucks, and all of the produce is packaged in boxes by there category on product. I have gained all of my information from the closest supermarket that is by me. This supermarket is called C-Town in here most of the items needed are provided for me to make the Ceviche. I know where all the producers get most of the produce because i have the advantage since i work in the supermarket around my way. I got a chance to find out that the tomatoes come from Florida and California. The cilantro in the supermarket comes from Mexico. The red onions come from Texas, avocado comes from Mexico or either California or Florida. Also the limes that i add to the meal come from Mexico and also the jalapeno peppers come from Mexico too. And something that caught my eye was that the garlic comes from China. That is crazy how many of these produce items come from different parts of the United States and not only from there but from different countries. I found all of this information from a coworker, his name is Manuel. He is in charge to place deliveries every week for the supermarket. I was impressed when i learned that these produce items come from different places. We eat everyday and the least that we know is where does the food that we have come from. It caught my attention and made me think of the vegetation that goes on, and where it happens. For the past three weeks i was gaining all of this information, one by one. I learned a lot of things that i didnt know before. I feel as if everyone should know where there food comes from.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Blog # 4
Most of the ingredients that are used in my favorite meal come from natural vegetables. Such as tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, limes. All of these ingredients to my favorite Ceviche make up a delicious taste that just gives you a burst of good sensational flavor.When i make this meal i use the Diamond salt brand. This salt is very thin. There are many different type of variety of salts. Some people like to use the thick salt or some like using the thin. I prefer using the thin. The shrimp that i get usually comes from the packaged frozen shrimps that i get from the supermarket. The shrimp that i use goes by the brand of Geisha. Geisha is very expensive, it is usually $7.99 for every frozen package. I go to the supermarket, and that is where i pick out the tomatoes and all the rest of the produce items. There are many different places where they do most of the vegetation to the vegetables that we eat. They come from different parts of the country. And they get delivered from different corporations such as New York Produce and many other more. These businessmen go out to deal with every supermarket, making negotiations with the managers on what they should buy and what deals are more convenient to the manager. Since i work in a supermarket, i am always present at the time when the vendors come in. When the produce gets delivered they usually package every item in their individual boxes. After that, the employees display all of the produce in their own section. Then soon after the employees are ready to make a sale......
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Blog # 3 The Ingredients.....

2 lbs of firm shrimp, cut into 1/2 inch piece
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice (Krasdale lemon juice $1.49 each bottle 32 fl oz)
1/2 purple onion, finely diced (0.310 lb @ $0.99/lb = 0.31 cents)
1 cup of fresh peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes (1 tomatoe = 0.400 lb @ $1.49/lb= $ .60)
1 serrano chili, seeded and finely diced (0.030 lb @ $0.99/lb= 0.03 cents)
2 teaspoons of saltdash of ground oregano
dash of Tabasco or a few grains of cayenne pepper (Tabasco $ 1.29)
1 lime (4/$1.00= .25 cents each)
By choice:
Cilantro (0.99 cents each)
Avocado ($1.49 each)
Tortillas (0.99 cents a package)
Tortilla chips
You create this dish by combining all of the ingredients from above. These are natural ingredients made out of vegetables.When i make the ceviche i let the juices marinade the shrimp. The lemon juice and all the flavors have to blend in with the shrimp. For better results you should let it sit for about a couple of hours maybe 4 hours. This plate is very delicious. And as you can see it is not hard to create the plate.
Cooked Rice
When i make my cooked rice these are the instructions that i use:
I boil about 4 cups of water into a rice pot
When it is done boiling, i add 3 cups of rice (Carolina Rice $ 6.99 a bag)
salt (add as much as you want) (Diamond Crystal salt 3/$2.00= .67 cents each)
Oil (2 spoons of oil) (Mazola Corn oil $5.99)
* I always make sure the amount of water being cooked with the rice is almost the same or a little more. So it would not come out too dry or too watery!!!!!!!
2 lbs of firm shrimp, cut into 1/2 inch piece
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice (Krasdale lemon juice $1.49 each bottle 32 fl oz)
1/2 purple onion, finely diced (0.310 lb @ $0.99/lb = 0.31 cents)
1 cup of fresh peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes (1 tomatoe = 0.400 lb @ $1.49/lb= $ .60)
1 serrano chili, seeded and finely diced (0.030 lb @ $0.99/lb= 0.03 cents)
2 teaspoons of saltdash of ground oregano
dash of Tabasco or a few grains of cayenne pepper (Tabasco $ 1.29)
1 lime (4/$1.00= .25 cents each)
By choice:
Cilantro (0.99 cents each)
Avocado ($1.49 each)
Tortillas (0.99 cents a package)
Tortilla chips
You create this dish by combining all of the ingredients from above. These are natural ingredients made out of vegetables.When i make the ceviche i let the juices marinade the shrimp. The lemon juice and all the flavors have to blend in with the shrimp. For better results you should let it sit for about a couple of hours maybe 4 hours. This plate is very delicious. And as you can see it is not hard to create the plate.
Cooked Rice
When i make my cooked rice these are the instructions that i use:
I boil about 4 cups of water into a rice pot
When it is done boiling, i add 3 cups of rice (Carolina Rice $ 6.99 a bag)
salt (add as much as you want) (Diamond Crystal salt 3/$2.00= .67 cents each)
Oil (2 spoons of oil) (Mazola Corn oil $5.99)
* I always make sure the amount of water being cooked with the rice is almost the same or a little more. So it would not come out too dry or too watery!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Blog #2
I have a lot of favorite meals that i can choose from to be honest. Dont we all ? Right!!! Out of the meals that i love, i suggest everyone to try and make this south american plate named Ceviche with white rice. My mom and my grandmother cooked this meal since i was a little girl. This meal is a known meal to only a few people, since it is so unique and since not a lot of people eat seafood. Ceviche can make you change your mind if you do not like seafood or any type of fish, i can guarantee you will love this meal. As a little girl, i always used to ask my grandmother to make this meal she would add many different types of ingredients that make that meal come out and surprise you with the combined tastes it brings. Just thinking about this meal is making me drool. LOL!!!! I feel as if anyone can make this meal. Because it is so simple and easy to make. The plate is very colorful since we use a lot of vegetables such as tomatoes, parsley, cilantro etc. many more. The white rice relaxes the tone of the tastes in the meal. The juices of every ingredient gives a exquisite flavor. When i first encountered this meal was in my grandmother house, she would make it for the family. It would be gone so quick, because we would destroy what is left of the meal. I can say i am not quilty to this disaster. (wink wink) Maybe one of you guys can actually make this meal, and you will see what i am talking about, this meal is really refreshing. As a matter of fact, Im thinking of making the meal soon i can not wait until i have it once again.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Blog #1 About the food that i eat.
I have been keeping record of everything i have been eating the last couple of days. In my household i live with me and my mom. I am the one who usually buys the food for my household. Since my mom works overnight, i am the one who cooks the food in my house too. Starting from Friday, i cooked fried steak with cooked rice, and red kidney beans with a salad on the side. The next day i went to the supermarket and i was shopping for the meal that i was going to cook that afternoon. I went to get a pack of pork chops and decided that i will accompany it with a plate of rice. I made a lettuce and tomatoe salad sprinkled with salt, pepper a vinegar with a hint of lime. Then on Sunday i made a tuna salad, exactly the way i did with my salads, as before but without the lettuce. I cooked potatoes and added them to the side of my plate. In between my meals i munched on chips and i ate sandwiches with ham and cheese. Damn, just thinking about all of these meals is making my mouth watery. My favorite drink to accompany all of my meals or in general my favorite drink that is always on my fridge is Pepsi or Lipton iced tea. And every portion on my plate always fills the whole plate up. I be wondering since i love to eat, how in the world do i maintain so thin.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My Bio
Deidra Freire
September 12, 2007
My name is Deidra Freire. I am 18 years old, in a month I will be turning nineteen. I was born on October 10, 1988. That makes me the best sign of the zodiac, Libra. My parents are originally from Ecuador. Currently I am living in 75th St, Jamaica, in the border of Queens and Brooklyn. I live with my mother only. But I have one younger brother that is attending Hillcrest high school. I also have an older sister that is twenty years old and is taking up as a medical assistant. My brother is living with my stepfather and my sister is living on her own. I love my family with all my heart and I would give anything in this world for them, I would kill for them too.
I work in a supermarket around where I live at in Jamaica, Queens. I have been working there for the past five years. But I am planning to find a different job as soon as possible. I graduated out of Franklin K. Lane high school on January 2007. Which is located in Brooklyn, New York. I was a half a year behind from graduating on time. So that means that my actual graduation date was on June 2006. I feel proud of myself because I at least graduated, and I made my family proud of me, that I actually made it out of the worst high school in the city.
Now I am attending LaGuardia Community College and my major is liberal arts for now. I plan to be a stock broker in the future. But so far I have not made my final choice of what I want to take up as my career. I am also planning to transfer out of LAGCC, to Baruch College. When I have my free time, I like to hang out with my boyfriend. I love to walk around in the city, I go to the mall, I go to my auntie Star house to hang out with her, I do simple things. I don’t have a lot of girlfriends. I keep myself away from all the girl drama, I have more guy friends than anything. They all treat me like a little sister, and they show me a lot of respect. I only had one best friend and her name is Nicole but she moved to Sanford, Florida. On my weekends I love to go out at night, I love to go clubbing, to bars, to lounges. I love to get out and go to the movies and have a good time. My favorite color is red and black. And my favorite food is pizza hut, burger king, and KFC. I am getting hungry just thinking about them. On my pastime, I like to watch my favorite t.v. shows which are the Rock of love, B.E.T. My favorite video games is PacMan, SuperMario, and car racing games. But besides all of that I am a loving person, I am very nice to hang out with. I am not all crazy, only when I feel comfortable enough with the people I am hanging out with. Once anyone gets to know me I come off as a laidback, nice, sweet person. But only crazy when I have to be.
September 12, 2007
My name is Deidra Freire. I am 18 years old, in a month I will be turning nineteen. I was born on October 10, 1988. That makes me the best sign of the zodiac, Libra. My parents are originally from Ecuador. Currently I am living in 75th St, Jamaica, in the border of Queens and Brooklyn. I live with my mother only. But I have one younger brother that is attending Hillcrest high school. I also have an older sister that is twenty years old and is taking up as a medical assistant. My brother is living with my stepfather and my sister is living on her own. I love my family with all my heart and I would give anything in this world for them, I would kill for them too.
I work in a supermarket around where I live at in Jamaica, Queens. I have been working there for the past five years. But I am planning to find a different job as soon as possible. I graduated out of Franklin K. Lane high school on January 2007. Which is located in Brooklyn, New York. I was a half a year behind from graduating on time. So that means that my actual graduation date was on June 2006. I feel proud of myself because I at least graduated, and I made my family proud of me, that I actually made it out of the worst high school in the city.
Now I am attending LaGuardia Community College and my major is liberal arts for now. I plan to be a stock broker in the future. But so far I have not made my final choice of what I want to take up as my career. I am also planning to transfer out of LAGCC, to Baruch College. When I have my free time, I like to hang out with my boyfriend. I love to walk around in the city, I go to the mall, I go to my auntie Star house to hang out with her, I do simple things. I don’t have a lot of girlfriends. I keep myself away from all the girl drama, I have more guy friends than anything. They all treat me like a little sister, and they show me a lot of respect. I only had one best friend and her name is Nicole but she moved to Sanford, Florida. On my weekends I love to go out at night, I love to go clubbing, to bars, to lounges. I love to get out and go to the movies and have a good time. My favorite color is red and black. And my favorite food is pizza hut, burger king, and KFC. I am getting hungry just thinking about them. On my pastime, I like to watch my favorite t.v. shows which are the Rock of love, B.E.T. My favorite video games is PacMan, SuperMario, and car racing games. But besides all of that I am a loving person, I am very nice to hang out with. I am not all crazy, only when I feel comfortable enough with the people I am hanging out with. Once anyone gets to know me I come off as a laidback, nice, sweet person. But only crazy when I have to be.
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